Simone unfolds her creativity as Surface Designer in our design department

Simone Pedersen, Surface Designer in design

"The great thing about working here is that you get to work with a lot of different types of materials and get to make a lot of different products. It is the most crazy feeling to go into the store and see customers buying a product that I have made."

Creative unfoldings in Anna & Clara's wonderful world

Simone started her journey in Søstrene Grene as an intern in January 2019 and has since then become a permanent and important part of the creative team in the design department.

"I have felt at home since day one. Everyone is accommodating and if you have any questions, there is always a helping hand close by. Every day, I go to work happy, and for that I can, amongst other things, thank my co-Sisters. There is a mutual respect for each other's work and an understanding of how things take time and sometimes needs to be redone."

Varying tasks, creativity, and professional feedback

"The great thing about working here is that you get to work with a lot of different types of materials and get to make a lot of different products, whether it is acrylic, plastic, wood, fabric, paper, etc. We are having a lot of professional back-and-forth in the team both in regards to the expression of a print or product, and to how to apply various techniques in the Adobe- or Illustrator programmes.

Focus on the target group, 'hygge', and the commercial thinking

"I think it is very exciting to follow how the various categories and products are selling. Because it is super important that you are professional in your job and that you can set aside your own preferences and only think commercial when designing a product or print, whether it is a storage set for baby teeth, hairclips, manilla tags, a chair, or any other of our thousands of products."

From 2D on a screen to a finished product in the store

"It is the most crazy feeling to go into the store and see customers buying a product that I have made. The first time I was in such high spirits and just thought to myself ' what! I made that, it was on my screen, and now it is in the stores, and customers are buying it!' And well, then you can also buy the great products."

The "Anna and Clara feeling"

"What surprised me the most about working in Søstrene was how easy it is to recognize when a products is from Søstrene Grene, but how difficult it actually is to get the right feel of what we call the 'Anna and Clara feeling'. Whether you have it or not, is basically essential for becoming part of our design team."

Newly qualified canditate for the digital journey

Frederik Smed Petersen, Data Scientist in IT

"What surprised me the most about working at Søstrene Grene was how quickly you were given responsibility and were able to create value. It is very obvious that you are listened to and appreciated."

Frederik started in Søstrene Grene in January 2019 in our Omnichannel department with the purpose of repporting to the at the time new webshop and has since then become part of the BI team in the IT department.

"Some of what I remember the best from the beginning of my employment is New Sisters Day, where a bunch of new Sisters were gathered in a store in Aarhus. Particularly, Cresten's (owner and creative director) stories and small anecdotes about products that have existed in the stores ever since the beginning in 1973 made an impact on me. Additionally, a few of us from the department went to Flensburg to experience a store opening, which was also a really special experience."

A part of a new and exciting business area

"It was very appealing for me to be part of building a new business area from the bottom together with a new department, Omnichannel. Because the data journey at the time was still very new, there were almost no limitations to how many things we could test and try off."

Great opportunities for development

"I have undergone an enourmours development throughout the time I have been part of Søstrene Grene. First, my job was focused on reporting for the at the time coming webshop to subsequently widen it to the entire internal business, all partners, and all stores. Today, I have a central position in IT where I support decision-makers with relevant, trustworthy, and useful information that can make the road to touching people's hearts more simple and well-based."

"There are no limitations to the professional development. We work with a numerous of systems and connections, and furthermore, together with my colleague, I have become responsible for a large data platform project for the entire HQ of Søstrene Grene."

A flat structure with mutual trust, feedback, and a fantastic social teamwork

"What surprised me the most about working at Søstrene Grene was how quickly you were given responsibility and were able to create value. It is very obvious that you are listened to and appreciated. Also, we are just having a great time together and arrange various social events such as firm soccer, Friday bars, and gamer nights which really have a positive impact on the social and professional crossfunctional collaboration."